The Hypnosis Doctor


Awarded BEST Counselor in Los Angeles 2015 and 2016. I am a Certified Spiritual Counselor and a Certified Hypnotherapist. I hold a doctorate in Philosophy with a PhD in Metaphysical Science. I also hold a degree in Clinical Hypnosis. I am a featured, published writer based on my counsel of practice.

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Your Opinion Of You Is The Only One That Matter

Seeking approval from others withholds your freedom and independence. It can make you a slave to opinions to ensure your emotional balance. This often feels like the most necessary part of life. But true self-fulfillment derives from the Self, the self-concept of you, not another’s view of you. Your self-concept is the source of your self-confidence (not to be confused with arrogance, which is an aspect of insecurity disguised as confidence). Self-confidence is defined as perceiving your own worth, your own strengths and skills. If we place too much value on someone else’s opinions or reactions to us, it can hinder our self-worth. Self-worth is about you and how you value yourself.

We often permit others to perform a particular role in our lives. This is because we desire their endorsements. Perhaps you have a friend, family member, partner, co-worker or boss who controls your feelings because you yearn to please him or her in order to maintain harmony or feel like you matter. What you may not realize is that the approval and harmony you are seeking is nothing that others can give you. It stems from your own insecurities. You are seeking their endorsement for assurance of your value, something you doubt, and this doubt means their approval is only temporarily satisfying. The joyful fulfillment you seek – which we all need – can only come from within you, not from others’ approval of you.

Validation from others rarely comes without cost.  Your neediness can leave you vulnerable to manipulation or control by others. Their desires and goals – their use of you – can have negative consequences to your self-esteem. You think you need what they offer, but you don’t really. Others’ opinions are sometimes helpful, if the other person is wise and cares about you, or even if they just see something you don’t but no individual can be supported 100 percent of the time; therefore, you must learn to rely on yourself for reassurance.

As a counselor and hypnotherapist specializing in the field of metaphysics, I work with my clients to help them comprehend that their need for approval developed early in childhood, deep within the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is responsible for all of your emotions, including the fear of disapproval.

Ways that the Parent/Child Relationship is Responsible for Approval/Disapproval!

We seek approval from others to assist in building our own self-esteem. We were taught as a child that attention feels astounding! The desire individuals have for the love and acceptance of their parents is so intense because it is necessary for the helpless infant to survive. Even the growing child, becoming independent, needs far more care than she or he can give themselves.

What happens is that, over time, we are conditioned to always look for that security. This is often complicated by rejection or ridicule from a parent. Disapproval, coldness, indifference, abandonment, in whatever form or to whatever degree, leaves us feeling unsafe and unprotected. We try even harder—go to any lengths—to get what as children we desperately need. Any means we come up with to get the attention or approval of parents or other caretakers sets a precedent for our lives. Individuals learn to meticulously develop behavior patterns in order to feed this need of approval.

Some approval seeking behaviors are:

·         Expressing agreement when you do not agree

·         Stating yes when you believe no

·         Attempting to manipulate your environment to increase agreement or approval

·         Feeling worried or upset because someone doesn’t agree with you

·         Deforming your personal character or beliefs to fit in

The problem with approval-seeking behaviors is they typically result in the opposite of what you seek. Most individuals admire those who stand up for what they believe in and who are respectful of their own and others’ opinions. Self-validation creates a support for your own beliefs, which ensures self-esteem.

If approval from others is what you seek, begin by approving and valuing yourself first. This is self-worth. In order to develop this incredible trait, you must learn to accept the authentic you. You may be afraid of this person. You may not think the authentic you is worth very much. I believe you are wrong, but I understand the fear. You may need to start slowly. Identify qualities in yourself that you like and appreciate. Just one quality…then another. When you do or say something that makes you feel good about who you are, affirm it! Acknowledge your hard work and be proud of your decisions. Do not look around for another’s approval. Take the opportunity to stand on your own. Your liberation will be exhilarating!

It will be easier the next time. As with everything, habit develops, and you begin to see that in fact you are a unique person, someone you like and admire.

Once value and worth has been established, like magic everything in your life will begin to change. Creating self-fulfillment through self-worth gives you independence and freedom from others’ judgments and approvals. Your opinion of you is the only one that matters!

Free Yourself From the Bondage of Pain

Free Yourself From the Bondage of Pain

By: Dr. Tammy Hunter

Imagine, if you will, a pain-free day—every day! If you are suffering from physical pain, as a result of disease, injury, or the accumulated burdens of age, help is on the way. Body Syndromes is a metaphysical concept that allows us to contemplate the connection between emotional/psychological stress and physical pain. Stress and pain are closely intertwined.  By becoming conscious of how the two are linked in your life and taking control of their influence on each other, you can drastically reduce any negative effect!

Metaphysics draws upon the insights of traditional philosophy and the metaphysical sciences and extends beyond them in search of general principles that help us to understand, predict and even shape human feelings and experiences.

As humans, we absorb messages metaphorically. The Body Syndromes concept supports this theory. This approach states that when the conscious mind receives stress, the unconscious mind processes it metaphorically.

Examples of Body Syndromes include:

·         Eyes: not seeing things clearly

·         Shoulders or back: carrying burdens

·         Digestion: unable to digest life or particular experiences

·         Legs: trouble moving forward

·         Feet: not feeling grounded

As a counselor and hypnotherapist specializing in the field of metaphysics, I work from a basic but powerful premise: that all things in our existence are created by the mind, including our pain! Pain Management begins by taking responsibility for the stress and anxiety in your life and how it might be manifesting in your physical body.

Another metaphysical concept to explore is the meaning of the parts of the human body. The right side of the body, for example, is said to be masculine, and the left side feminine. Using the list above, if an individual is suffering from leg pain on the left side of the body, he should inquire as to where in his life he is having difficulty moving forward. Subsequently, he might explore the possibility that there is a concern regarding a female in his life, or a need to develop or pay attention to feminine energy such as intuition, wisdom, or knowledge.

In addition to understanding the powerful connection between the mind and body, hypnosis can be very beneficial and effective in breaking the cycle of pain. Numerous studies have shown that the majority of participants suffering from chronic pain obtained substantial relief from hypnosis.   

In my practice, I assist clients in overcoming pain through hypnosis. What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness, allowing you to become more open to suggestions or commands because the conscious portion of the mind has temporarily closed itself off, as in sleep. Once that is done, you are then able to focus on relaxing and disconnecting from the painful area of the body.

Dr. Tammy’s tips for relieving pain:

1.      Identify the pain and the possible link to the pain.

2.      Meditate for at least 15 minutes.

3.      During meditation, isolate the pain within your body.

4.      Assign it details such as a color, shape, or even a name.

5.      With chronic pain, visualize the entity exiting your body, even being pulled out of your body. With acute pain, envision the inability to feel your agony by creating a numbing sensation surrounding the suffering, such as an icepack applied to the hurt area.                                                                                           


Repeat these steps as often as needed for pain relief. It may take a little time to learn the knack of it, and we all improve with practice. It is also important to remember that since we are physical beings, physical pain is a part of life, often a very useful one. Pain gives us information about our health and habits, whether it be signs of disease or the fact that we are overdoing our exercise regimen. Even so, once you have listened and understood the message of pain, there is no reason to keep suffering, as so many do.


A positive emotional life can drastically affect one’s physical life, and vice versa. To optimize your experience of being “in a body”—able to enjoy all the pleasures of motion and the senses—create a personal affirmation to use such as “I am free of pain” and then repeat it often.


Do not let emotional or physical pain have control over your life anymore. Reclaim your power. Once the moment of relief comes, remind yourself that the existence of a pain-free life is what you deserve. The time has come to Free Yourself From the Bondage of Pain!


Always consult your medical doctor before starting any pain management regimen.





Infertility to Fertility: The Metaphoric Garden

Gardens with all their vibrant blossoms and radiant flowers blooming are frequently a metaphor for the inevitable growth of an exciting new conception. Mother Nature initiates gestation with fertile ground, planting seeds and determination. Evolution begins with fertility—if, that is, you are fortunate enough to have avoided infertility.

Infertility can be defined as the inability to conceive for approximately one year. Being unable to become pregnant, in spite of many attempts, can be frustrating and emotionally agonizing. After months and often years of trying, some turn to outside sources for help.

Many available medical treatments can significantly improve the chances of pregnancy; these include hormone treatments, fertility drugs, and even surgery. Statistics show that medical treatments combined with alternative therapy can, in fact, substantially increase fertility rates.

In my practice, numerous clients have achieved conception through a combination of appropriate medical treatments and my unique therapeutic technique utilizing metaphysics and hypnosis!

How Metaphysics and Hypnosis Help to Conceive a Pregnancy:

Metaphysics draws upon the insights of traditional philosophies and the physical sciences and extends beyond them in search of the general principles or laws that govern human existence. These insights help us to understand, predict and even shape our feelings and experiences.

One such principle, The Universal Law of Polarity, suggests that everything in the universe has a complementary opposite. Good-Bad, Happy-Sad, Positive-Negative, Light-Dark, etc. In regards to infertility, the polar opposite, Create-Destroy, can be present, complicating matters. Understanding polarity helps us to see where our belief lies and is affecting outcomes. If we have created a belief of infertility—the polar opposite of what we want—we must destroy this belief, and create a belief of fertility!

As a counselor and hypnotherapist, I recognize that the subconscious mind is where the influence is exerted and change occurs, because everything in existence is energy…including your belief!

If Changing Belief is Where the Power Lies, How does this Compelling Shift Occur?

Change starts to occur while practicing The Universal Law of Intention. This law suggests that focused thought energy (belief) equals intention (goal). Thought energy must be directed at the specific outcome you want (not the one you fear) because your mind creates your reality!

In my practice, I see many frustrated clients suffering from infertility concerns. I begin by explaining that the framework of the mind can change the body. It may seem complicated but it’s really quite simple!

Change can be brought about at an alarming rate by:

·         A shift in universal energy (your intention)

·         Belief (your belief must correspond to your intention)

·         Emotions (your emotions must correspond with your belief)

The first step in creation is your intention. Your intention is your objective. For instance, your intention is to conceive a child in the year 2016. Perfect! Since focused thought energy can shape human experiences, we must shift it in the direction of your intention…CONCEPTION!

The universe is controlled by energy that you cannot see resulting in what you can see…your intention.

Next comes belief. It is through belief that we can overcome any obstacle, including infertility! Do you find yourself surrendering to doubt? If so, you MUST let go of all fear! Shift the energy towards trust. Doubts of your fertility can be prominent and powerful, so be mindful. The unpredictable nature of family planning, even in the best of circumstances (not everyone gets pregnant the first month they try), can feed a tendency toward negativity or uncertainty, creating a deeper alliance with disbelief. Recognize these doubts and then let them go. Have faith that all things are possible…even fertility! I am continuously affirming with my clients:

“Change your belief…Change your life!”

Finally, your emotions drastically intensify belief. It is imperative that you attach optimistic feelings to your intention. Interlacing your thoughts with inspiring emotions such as joy, love, hope and encouragement can intensify your energy and propel it in the direction you desire. You must believe with confidence and feel the emotions of your intended manifestation!

Imagine yourself pregnant. See the baby in your arms. Feel the warmth and love you will give that child, the bond that will last your lifetime. Know yourself as a life-giver, a nurturer, and a caretaker. Become the mother you are destined to be.

Intention + Belief + Emotion = Manifestation!

Mother Nature has now initiated gestation. Therefore, weed the ground of your metaphoric garden and uproot any disbelief. Begin pollinating your new beliefs and watch the seeds germinate in this fertile ground of endless opportunity. Allow your new thoughts to take root and create the intention. Your new insight is a flower in the garden of infinite possibility.

infertility—Polar Opposite—FERTILITY!




Mastering Resolutions

The age-old belief that each New Year brings an opportunity for self-improvement and transformation motivates the resolutions that so many of us make toward the end of the holiday season. If you have made such New Year’s Resolutions, however, then you are probably also familiar with the challenge of losing momentum as the months pass and the demands of daily life take over.

Is there anything that we can do to maintain our goals and thereby Master our Resolutions? The answer is yes!

As a counselor and hypnotherapist specializing in the field of metaphysics, I begin with a basic but powerful premise: that all things in existence are based in energy, including our goals!

Why is that? Because our resolutions for self-improvement must be manifested through thoughts, words, and actions, all of which are based in energy. You must be clear and precise when setting your objective because everything is energy! We can acquire the knowledge we need to succeed by using the Universal Laws of Intention and Action to actualize our intentions and manifest our desires.

Let us explore how you can accomplish this year’s resolutions by applying The Universal Laws. Ask yourself these questions:

·         What are my precise thoughts and objectives regarding my goal?

·         What steps have I taken towards achieving this goal?

·         How will I feel when I achieve my goal? 

The Law of Action plus The Law of Intention creates your Resolution!

Precision is key when working towards your goal (your intention). It is important that you achieve clarity about what you want. Change is brought about by focusing your conscious awareness (your thoughts) toward both attention (your action) and intention (your goal). Your attention is focused on the actions that you take in the present and your intention is set to manifest your goal in the future. Action and Intention work hand in hand to direct the energy flow towards your desired manifestation. Emotions are also a must in propelling and focusing your energy. It is imperative that you attach positive feelings to the goal you seek to accomplish.

In my practice, I often work with frustrated clients who are unable to achieve their goals, including one of the most common examples of a New Year’s Resolution--weight loss. I begin each session by introducing the Universal Laws and their potential for focusing our source energy to achieve transformation. I then ask each client about their specific methods of achieving their goal, and guide them through the process of completion.

What is the intention of your weight loss?

You need to align the exact purpose of your weight loss with the Universal Laws, so it is vitally important to clarify this in your own mind. This reason can differ from person to person, including to achieve a healthier lifestyle, live a longer and more active life or improve your body image.

Remember to be specific, for this is your intention (your goal).

What Action have you taken towards weight loss?

What physical attention (your action) have you taken for weight loss reduction? Examples might include a reduction in portion size, cutting back on sugars, or beginning a new exercise program.

When you picture yourself after achieving your weight loss goal, how do you feel?

Now, close your eyes and envision yourself after your desired weight loss. You’ve accomplished your goal! How do you feel? Ah…here it is, the emotion that you are seeking through the Law of Action and the Law of Intention.

Now the Universe must Correspond to this emotion. It’s that simple!

Be careful not to let a sense of urgency or anxiety bring about negativity or discouragement while on your journey. This causes internal conflict and can disrupt the energy flow that you are directing toward manifesting your resolution. Emotions are very important where energy is concerned so ALWAYS keep it positive!

What are you waiting for? Your goal is actually waiting for you! Allow the Universal Laws to manifest your desires. Let your new year be your new way of thinking and become the Master of your own Resolutions in 2016!

Always consult your medical doctor before starting any type of nutritional or exercise regimen.


Manifesting Your Valentine

Manifesting Your Valentine

By Dr. Tammy Hunter

With Valentine’s Day approaching, love is in the air. During this special time of the year, as the life-giving possibilities of Spring reawaken in our imaginations, it is natural for us to wonder how we might attract the love we seek into our life. As a counselor and hypnotherapist trained in the field of metaphysics, I begin with a basic but powerful premise: that all things in existence, including our desire for love, are energy-related.

Metaphysics draws upon the insights of traditional philosophy and the metaphysical sciences and extends beyond them in search of general principles or laws that help us to understand, predict and even shape human feelings and experiences. One such principle, The Universal Law of Attraction, proposes that the energetic vibration you give off as a living, conscious being determines your ability to attract and manifest loving relationships with others.

To explore this powerful approach, begin by asking yourself the following three questions:

·         What is my dominant belief, or disbelief, regarding love?

·         What is my dominant belief, or disbelief, regarding relationships?

·         What is my dominant belief, or disbelief, regarding deservedness?  

Vibration plus dominant belief generates your Law of Attraction.

Your vibration governs your visualization. Therefore, when you visualize a loving, committed relationship, and you possess a dominant belief that all men or women are noncommittal, your result will always generate a noncommittal relationship. Why? Because this belief dictates your vibration and The Law of Attraction must correspond.

So how does one recognize their own vibration? In my practice when I work with clients with this concern, I always ask, “What is it you seek in a relationship?” After we discover what it is they do want, but are not attracting, I then ask another imperative question. “What is it that you do NOT want in a relationship?” Ah ha, a lightbulb moment! What they do not want is their dominant belief about relationships, which in turn creates their vibration.

So according to these basic metaphysical principles your dominant belief is actually responsible for what and who you attract into your life. What comes next? The first step is to learn to be conscious of and redirect your energy flow. How can you do this?

·         Stop believing your own negative self-talk and focus on the positive.

·         Realize that the universe offers us infinite possibilities.

·         Attach a positive emotion as you visualize your desired outcome. 

We don’t appreciate it when others speak negatively to or about us, so why should we allow ourselves to do the same thing? Positive self-talk is very significant in helping to change your energy flow and attract friends and lovers who will value you for who you are and play a positive role in your life. Once you have established positive self-talk as a centerpiece of your everyday thoughts and self-image, it is important to realize that life is full of infinite possibilities. If you commit to the belief that anything your mind can conceive is in fact possible, then having the relationship in your life that you have desired all along will become a much more attainable goal. Last and certainly not least, it is important that you attach emotional feelings to your positive thoughts. Weaving your thoughts together with uplifting emotions such as joy, love, openness, honesty, and generosity can change your vibrational pattern and propel it in the direction you desire.

Taking these critical steps can transform the habitual negative beliefs that so often limit our sense of the possibilities of life. This simple but powerful approach will help you focus your vibrational energy, connect to the universal wisdom of the Law of Attraction, and—as winter’s chill yields to the nourishing warmth of spring—manifest the Valentine you have been seeking all along!