The Hypnosis Doctor


Awarded BEST Counselor in Los Angeles 2015 and 2016. I am a Certified Spiritual Counselor and a Certified Hypnotherapist. I hold a doctorate in Philosophy with a PhD in Metaphysical Science. I also hold a degree in Clinical Hypnosis. I am a featured, published writer based on my counsel of practice.

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"Someday your pain will become the source of your strength. Face it. Brave it. You will make it."


Sex Addiction can be defined as a pathological relationship to a mood-altering experience. It is estimated that up to 40 million adults suffer it.  Sex addiction behavior can be secretive, shaming and abusive to the self or others and is associated with disconnect from intimacy.

Ten Criteria / Consequences for Sex Addiction:

  • Loss of Control
  • Compulsive Behavior
  • Efforts to Stop
  • Loss of Time
  • Preoccupation
  • Inability to Fulfill Obligations
  • Continuation Despite Consequences
  • Escalation
  • Losses
  • Withdrawal

Pornography Addiction can be defined as compulsive sexual activity with concurrent use of pornographic material, despite negative consequences to one's physical, mental, social, or financial well-being.  It includes viewing/downloading pornography along with masturbation and visiting sexually oriented chat rooms engaging in affairs and real time viewing. Pornography addiction escalates rapidly and is often associated with disconnect from intimacy and erectile dysfunction.

Love Addiction can be defined as the repeated, compulsive seeking of a relationship or romantic experience despite negative consequences. A love addict is focused on and dependent upon another person.  A love addict is obsessed with a fantasy about loving another. They are easily wounded and cannot even recognize their own feelings and needs.

Hypnosis is extremely effective for the behavioral addictions. Your addiction stems from the firing of neurochemicals within the mind. The process of hypnosis is very similar, therefor extremely effective in reframing the compulsion.

If you feel you need help from Sex, Pornography or Love Addiction and would like to start the healing process, please don't hesitate to call today!